Cute, Ernest Stories

Sunday, May 28, 2006


Last December Ernest and I took a mommie and me Yoga class at the Yoga9 studio in SmithVille. Granted he spent most of his time twirling across the floor, but when he got into it he got into it....

Ernest and Instructor Naddia

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Pose with your grad!

(left) My friend Saira, also a lit major.

Congrats to me!

So I finally graduated....and as you can see I didn't want a cake. Who wants traditional? When you can have unique!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hello to all of my family and friends and friends who are like family! Since we are soooooo far apart and phone calls are sparse. Taking a cue from a good sister/friend I thought that it might be time that I open one of these up. Especially since I recieved a digital camera for my graduation. I'll do a little back tracking to catch all of you up on what we have been doing and all of the new and exciting things that Ernest has been exploring.

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